SimpleApps API for Prophet 21
The SimpleApps API for Prophet 21 (The API) was created to support the SimpleWeb E-Commerce sites. Since its original conception, it has become so much more. The API can be used to access data from the Epicor Prophet 21 ERP on any platform or device allowing developers to create websites, web portals, web applications, desktop applications or mobile apps that support Prophet 21 system in new ways and the API is growing every day.
The API is an industry standard REST API that uses OAuth 1.0a for the primary authentication method, with other methods available. That means that any developer who can create a twitter client can create an application using the API to access any P21 ERP data that is on the SQL server.
The API was designed to be expandable. Even when the API was only supporting the e-commerce endpoints, everything was in place to expand it to the newer marketing, analytics, and mobile endpoints. And new API calls can be added within hours or even minutes to access new data from the Prophet 21 software or any of the applications on the SimpleWeb Platform.
This API can be used for e-commerce website integration, mobile app integration or any other platform that needs access to data from Epicor P21. These applications can be written to work with any data in the P21 ERP, including inventory management, order processing, or supply chain management. The API will work with companies that have single client installs or multi-client platforms.